A Look Back: #2015BestNine

Happy New Year everyone!
While I had really good intentions of pulling together a list of my top meals of 2015, it simply didn’t happen. I’m wayyyyy behind writing a few blog posts that would need to be included (Paris & Barcelona, hello!), so instead I decided I’d just share my Instagram #2015BestNine. I spend much more time on there these days than here, so if you don’t follow me already, please do!
Oddly, the top photos don’t involve much food, but they do a pretty good job of capturing my daily life: my blog, my choice of pie over cake (always), my job, my love of cocktails, and my silly, sweet, smart, and full-of-energy kiddo.
Looking forward to many more happy times and delicious adventures in the year ahead. See you in 2016!
That middle photo of Archer might be my favorite thing that’s appeared on your blog, ever.