Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’ 2012


Interested in sampling dozens and dozens of ice creams this weekend? Yes, I’m serious.

There’s an event on Sunday afternoon that is always a don’t-miss on my summer calendar– Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’! Benefiting the Martha O’Bryan Center, this event is some good old fashioned fun for the whole family.

Of course, there is also a fierce competition brewin’ behind those tables….

In addition to sampling to the masses, all of the participating contestants submit their homemade ice cream to compete in at least one of three categories: chocolate base, vanilla base and “other.” The judges choose a winner from each category, who then competes for the title of “Best of Show”. That chosen “Best of Show” will then be produced into a new Purity ice cream flavor next year!

Oh, and guess what lucky person gets to serve as one of the judges this year? Yep, me!

Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’ & Summer Social

When: Sunday, June 10, 2012
3 – 5 pm

Where: Front Lawn of First Presbyterian Church
4815 Franklin Pike

How much: $10 for adults ($13 at gate)
$8 for children ($10 at gate)
children under two are free

For more information, instructions on how to enter the contest, and to buy tickets, click here


Since I’m an old pro at this tasting event, I have a few suggestions for you that might make for a more pleasant experience:

  • Don’t try to sample every flavor. Only taste the ones that sound really good to you. If you start out sampling every flavor at the first few tables you come to, you’re going to get too full too fast and you may end up missing out on something great because your tummy can’t take any more!
  • Take a couple of bottles of water with you. If it’s hot on Sunday, make it very COLD water.
  • Wet wipes could come in handy. Ice cream = sticky.

Hope to see you there!