Cornbread Almost As Good As Kenny’s

So you know that cornbread I served yesterday with the Black-Eyed Pea Jambalaya? I might have said I would share the “recipe” with you today, and that might have been stretching the truth just a tiny bit….

You see, the cornbread was a mix. From a box. Shocker, I know.
Please forgive me for not making it from scratch, but to be completely honest, this is much better than any cornbread I’ve ever made myself.

A few weeks ago a friend had me over for dinner, and she served chili and cornbread. She’s not a cook (she’ll readily admit that), so I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the cornbread. In fact, I ate 3 pieces, which is unusual for me since I’m not much of a bread girl. I wanted to know her secret – because really – if she could make cornbread this good, then I could (no offense sweetie!).

That’s when the truth came out (not that she was trying to hide it). We were devouring Trader Joe’s cornbread from a box.

Do any of you remember the Kenny Rogers’ Roasters corn muffins from way back in the day? If you do, then I don’t need to explain how tasty they were. I ate more than my fair share during college and have tried to recreate them many times since without much success. No more experimenting necessary, because this cornbread is about as close as you can get. So if you never got to try Kenny’s, now’s your chance.

Trader Joe’s Cornbread Baking Mix $2.69

The little pieces of corn, a hint of sweetness, and a moist, soft texture, with just enough crunch around the edges make it the perfect cornbread. Perfect. Really.

Over the past few months, several people have asked me exactly what products I buy at Trader Joe’s because they’re overwhelmed when they go in. Nothing looks familiar. So I thought it might be fun to chronicle my favorite TJ buys here on my blog. I’ll keep a running list as I go, so you can use it as your cheat sheet if you want. Stay tuned for more delicious product recommendations in the weeks and months to come!

Trader Joe’s
3909 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37215
(615) 297-6560

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