The December is Here Giveaway!

It’s December you guys!!! What that means is that I need to get my butt in gear and start some shopping. To kick the month off and put me in the holiday spirit, I’m going to do a little gift giving to you, my readers!
I’ve got a brand spankin’ new Calphalon Electric Panini Grill ($99.95 value) that one lucky person will be making some toasty sandwiches on very soon. I need a little help coming up with some great ideas for the loved ones on my gift list, so I’m reaching out to you for assistance.
~Contest Closed~
The winner is:
#150 Jennifer O.
To Enter:
Leave me a comment with a fantastic gift idea! It can be for a male, female, young or old. It can be creative or practical, something you own yourself or something you’d personally love to receive. If possible, please share a link to the item so I can see exactly what it is!
That’s the only mandatory part for entry, so be sure to do that. You can also increase your chances to win with bonus entries. Note- you must leave a separate comment for each:
- On Twitter, follow me (@betheats), tweet the following and come back here to tell me you did so: Kick off December by winning a Calphalon panini grill from @betheats!
- “Like” Eat. Drink. Smile. on Facebook, then come back here and tell me you did so. If you already “like” me, just say so! Please leave your first name and last initial so it can be verified.
Contest ends on Monday, December 5th at Noon CST. Once the winner is chosen, I’ll contact them via email and will post it here on the blog. If the winner doesn’t respond within 48 hours, I’ll be forced to choose another, so be sure to check your email!
Liked on Facebook: Jennifer Dances
And posted to twitter! (kittywink)
Have we already talked about Jack & ginger cookies? Definitely alcoholic (so not for young’uns) but they make a great gift that’s always been appreciated when I’ve shown up with them.
No, you haven’t told me about those, but sounds like something I would personally love!! (once baby is out of me that is) ;-)
My 3 year old sons favorite gift last year was one from his Auntie. She made him a camoflauge apron & gave him 2 different colors of home made play dough along with a small rolling pin and animal cookie cutters. He begs me to let him use all of it on a daily basis still! :)
I like Eat. Drink. Smile on Facebook.
and would LOVE a Panini maker for Christmas. :)
Hey Jennifer O. — December 5, 2011 @ 10:27 am! Thanks so much for mentioning my kitchen towels!
Now, this is my new favorite blog!