Happy May!


For my entire life, May has always been a very festive month. In addition to my birthday, there’s Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, Steeplechase, and Memorial Day to celebrate. Then, two years ago, I started something else that’s worth commemorating.

On May 1, 2009, Eat. Drink. Smile. was born. Little did I know when I typed out that very short introductory blog post that it would lead to the many wonderful opportunities I’ve been given and the many friendships that have been created.

I want to thank each and every one of you for tuning in to my adventures in cooking, eating and drinking, particularly those of you that comment and send me emails. Your feedback and responses really do mean a lot to me, so this month I’m going to attempt to show my gratitude by giving some stuff away! Instead of the usual “leave a comment to enter” giveaway, we’re going to do something new.

For the next prize (or two), I’m just going to pick a random chunk of days on my calendar and take the names of everyone that has left a comment during that time, put them in a hat and draw one out. If you’ve left 5 comments during the chosen days, then I’ll give you 5 entries. So see, it pays to speak up!

Want to practice commenting? Why don’t you tell me what you’ve got going on this month…do you celebrate any of the same things that I do in May?


Photo Credit: Birthday Cake by 3liz4