Calphalon Slow-Cooker Recipe Contest!
Today I’m announcing my “I’m Sick of Gray Skies and Cold Weather and Snow, So I Need Something Warm & Yummy to Comfort Me” slow-cooker recipe contest!
Recently the good folks at Calphalon gave me a brand spankin’ new, state of the art, 7-quart, digital slow-cooker ($150 value). Instead of keeping it for myself, I’ve decided I’ll share with one lucky reader!
As you may have gathered from the title of this contest, I’m beyond tired of this winter, and have a feeling that many of you feel the same. As we slowly inch our way toward spring, I desperately need something to preoccupy me so I won’t go insane counting the days and minutes until it’s here. What better to do that than food? In particular, some yummy new crock pot dishes!
So here’s how it’s gonna work~
What: All you have to do is give me a recipe. It can be an original, an adaptation, or you can just point me to a tried & true that someone else came up with. All that matters is that it’s good. Actually, beyond good. Like, the best ever slow-cooker recipe you’ve ever had!
Where: You can email it to me at or if it’s online, just leave a link to the recipe in the comments section below. My team of experts (ok, so it’s really just a random group of co-workers, friends, and my husband) will narrow down the entries to the three they think sound the best, and then I’ll make them, eat them, and choose a winner!
When: You have one week to get me your recipe (Thursday, February 17th) and then I’ll take another week or so to test them before announcing the winner and sharing the recipe the week of February 28th.
Good luck! I can’t wait to see what deliciousness you have up your sleeves!
Note: Product will only be shipped within the continental United States.
I’m entering Grass-Fed Beef in Pomegranate Sauce created by one of my favorite bloggers, The Gluten-Free Goddess. My crockpot is 17 years old!
This is an old favorite, called Ropa Vieja, a Cuban dish. The instructions don’t say to put it in a crockpot but I always do. I usually have it with a side of rice, fried plantains and/or fried yuca. (Not deep fried…) Soooo yummy!
I’ve never had a slow cooker. :( I have always wanted one, though, especially after this nasty winter we are having! If I DID have a crockpot, I would make my chiropractor’s Buffalo Chili. It is the best chili recipe I have ever made. I like to add one can of refried beans and one can of black beans to thicken it up a bit. It’s really healthy, too!!
Here is the link…
Going to really have to come up with something good here. My crock pot/slow cooker wore itself out and have been putting off buying one. Off to do some research lol. Beth your blog is wonderful.
Thanks Lizanne! (and good luck) ;-)
This is an amazing Ethiopian soup/stew. I forgot about this recipe until now – I may need to make it againthis week!
This tried and true Betty Crocker recipe for Cuban black beans and rice in a slow cooker is one of my favorites:
Smells good all day too!
Here is a link to my favorite crock pot soup. This stuff if even better the next day! Gina’s site if full of very good low-fat stuff.
This recipe has nursed me through this dismal winter!
Man this is a hard one considering the weather we’ve had here. BUT if we have to pick a fav, this would be mine: This is my first year to use a crock pot (had to borrow my MIL several times) and I’m addicted. I like to substitue the mango for peaches or pineapples too. Even if it doesn’t get chosen hope you’ll try it someday and blog bout it.
Here’s a deeeeelicious dessert recipe for the slow cooker!
This is one of my absolute faves. It’s an easy “comfort” meal plus fabulous when we have guests.
Curried Short Ribs from Cooking Light
This Thai-Style Pork Stew from Cooking Light is a favorite of ours, especially since it’s different than most soups and roasts. I’ve added fresh green beans mid-way through, and they’re good in it as well. A squeeze of lime at the end is a must!
whoops — link didn’t show —
Sorry Mary Clare, you got caught up in the spam folder, but I rescued you! Sounds wonderful!!
The squeeze of lime is a must!
This is my recipe for vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie. Not only is it quick and easy, it’s also a great way to clean out the fridge/freezer of any extra veggies threatening to go bad.
Beth, you must try this! I am not even a big pork fan but I made it for me and 3 girlfriend’s and we loooved it. It’s a hot gooey, delicious mess. We added provolone cheese to ours, which definitely made it ridiculously good! It was a tad salty for me, so maybe add a touch more water?
*side note, my slow cooker has a 70’s brown flower motif and isnt even full size! haha! but i still fit that recipe in :-)
from one of my favorite websites:
E-mailed recipe for Spiced Pot Roast with Major Grey’s Chutney, raisins, potatoes, carrots and onions. Don’t own a slow cooker, so hoping Beth can help with the cooking times.
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I just shared one of my all-time favorite crock pot recipes … Chicken, Chipotle & Sweet Potato Chili! It’s been time-tested and altered to (what I think is) perfection. A little spicy, a little sweet. Enjoy!
I just posted this today on my blog. It’s a mash-up recipe between jambalaya and red beans & rice. Although it sounds ordinary, it’s amazing! I’ve been craving it ever since I made it the first time. Hope you like it!
I’m with you–I was SO tired of the winter in Nashville that I decided to move to New Zealand for a year! (Ok, so that wasn’t the real reason, but it sure didn’t hurt! :-P)
My Chicken & Rice Crock Pot Stew is one of my favorite warm and savory dishes. It’s very basic, but incredibly delicious!
My husband and I often say we’re just going to up and take off somewhere exotic one day! Actually, maybe not even exotic, just somewhere WARM! ;-)
This seems to be a popular crock pot recipe with all my peeps right now It’s a simle “Sunday Dinner” of roasted chicken in baked potatoes…. ALL COOKED IN THE CROCK POT AT THE SAME TIME! I just have to throw a salad together and warm some biscuits or rolls… everyone thinks I’ve slaved for a couple of hours. I love the ease and simplicity of it (and it doesn’t hurt that it tastes good too :)
I LOVE this recipe! It has that ability to have you finish dinner, put away the leftovers and then later on, you’ll get the random urge for a snack and want to dive into more of this chicken. DELIGHTFUL!
I keep making pulled BBQ chicken. I just use chicken and a bottle of sauce
We love these Apple Pork Chops in the crock pot. I add a little bit of bourbon (ok, a healthy dose of bourbon) and serve them over a bed of white rice. Delicious!
This is a pretty basic Turkey Chili….but turned out so good. I focus on recipes that have great anti-inflammatory ingredients in them such as onions, cumin, paprika, and garlic. Hope you enjoy this :) Actually I am hoping you REALLY enjoy this because then I get a new crock pot…lol
Best thing i have ever eaten!!!
I emailed my favorite roast beef recipe which we make two meals from. Its very easy and so good! Slow cookers are a great time saver and roasts are just great in them.
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