Olive & Sinclair Tour Rescheduled
~UPDATE 1/10/11~
Can’t a girl get some chocolate!?? Unfortunately we’ve been snowed out again!!!
Mark your calendars for January 31st, because the tour has been rescheduled for then. Hope to see you all there!
This event was cancelled in December due to inclement weather but has been rescheduled for next Monday, January 10th, 2011.
My friend Stephen is one of the organizers of WaterCooler, an informal networking group for young Nashville entrepreneurs in their 20s, 30s and 40s. The second Monday of every month, WaterCooler participants gather for cocktails, networking and the chance to listen to a dynamic speaker talk about their business or topic of expertise. Over the past year the topics have ranged from social media to art collecting to beer. Yes, beer! Last month’s meetup was at Yazoo, where Linus Hall took them on a tour and tasting. Sadly, I missed that one, but I will definitely not be missing the next one.
That’s because the next WaterCooler event is a behind-the-scenes tour of Nashville’s own artisan chocolate maker, Olive & Sinclair Chocolate Co.! Not only will we be touring the factory with O&S Founder/Owner/Chocolatier Scott Witherow, but we’ll also get to sample the goods. Mmmm, chocolate.
Please RSVP to kseamon@bonelaw.com by this Friday, January 7th if you want to join us!
Who: Scott Witherow, Founder/Owner/Chocolatier at Olive & Sinclair
What: WaterCooler Tour
When: Monday, January 10th, 2011
5:30 – 7 pm (tour will begin at 6 pm)
Where: Olive & Sinclair Chocolate Co.
1404 McGavock Pike
Nashville,TN 37206
Cost: FREE
Ooh I can actually make this date, yay! I’m RSVPing!
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