City House and Tandy for Best Chef!


This weekend was one of the best Valentine’s weekends I can remember, and it all started with dinner at City House on Friday night.  My husband and I aren’t ones to really go all out celebrating the Hallmark holiday, but I do require a really nice meal and some good cocktails. Only, I don’t like to do it ON the actual holiday, instead I prefer to go a few days earlier to avoid the crowds and the typically not-so-exciting prix fixe menus.

You’d think with as much hype as I’ve heard about City House in the past couple of years, that I’d have been there more than I have. For some reason, I’ve only dined there a couple of times, and both were great experiences. The hubs, on the other hand, had never been, so I figured it was the perfect spot for our special dinner.  

One item we knew we would order before even stepping foot in the restaurant was the Pork Belly Pizza, or as the menu describes, the pizza with “House Made Belly Ham, Mozzarella, Grana Padano, Oregano, Chilies”. It had come highly recommended by several people, and it did not disappoint! We also followed other advice and opted to add an egg on top for an additional $2. For those who know me, you know I don’t really like runny eggs. But my honey is so thoughtful that he made sure a few pieces weren’t touched by the yolk. (I’m sure it had nothing to do with me telling him a million times “do not let that run everywhere!”)  


City House’s Pork Belly Pizza with Egg    

I will say, that pizza is scrumptious. In fact, I’m on the brink of declaring it the best pizza in town. Hmmm, guess I’ll have to go back a few times just to be sure it should be crowned…

In addition to the pizza, I had planned to order the roasted vegetable salad with walnuts and pecorino. That was, until the waiter mentioned the very special Valentine’s Day appetizer the chef was offering. Some of you might not be quite as excited about it as I was, but to each his own, right?   


Veal Fries and Tongue at City House    

Yes, veal fries and tongue. It’s something I’d never had before and just couldn’t pass up. I’m familiar with the term “fries” because I grew up eating pig fries. But like the nice lady at the table next to us, some of you may need further explanation….and your reaction might be similar to hers…  Because, well, they’re testicles.  Served in a slightly spicy fra diavolo, I loved them. Sorry if I’m losing any of you at this point. I will now move on.  

And I will move on to a dish that is certainly more universally appealing – broccoli. This was not just any broccoli, it was roasted and tossed with raisins and toasted walnuts. I ate every. last. bite.  

  City House’s Roasted Broccoli   

R opted for a side of cheddar grits with his cornmeal crusted catfish, and while I enjoyed a couple of bites of his dishes, I was much more enamored with my own. And believe me, it showed, because there wasn’t a speck of food left on either of my dishes when the server came to collect them!     

My entreee at City House, Painted Hills Tri Tip, Parmigiano, Gremolata    

It just so happens that on the very day that I’m writing this post, I find out that the chef behind my incredible meal, Chef Tandy Wilson, is up for Food & Wine’s Best New Chef Southeast!   

He’s got some stiff competition, particulary another chef in Atlanta that I’m quite a fan of, Kevin Gillespie. So I’m here to ask you a favor today- show your support for Tandy and Nashville by voting for him!! All you have to do is click here, scroll down to the bottom, and then click next to his name. It’s that easy! The contest is open until March 1st, so please, spread the word and have your friends and family vote for Tandy as well.  

Then get yourself over to City House and eat a pork belly pizza.  

City House 
1222 4th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37208-2714
(615) 736-5838

Mon-Sat 5-10 pm
Sun 5-9 pm