June 2016 Food & Drink Happenings
Thursday, June 2, 2016
6 – 9 pm
Pavilion East
1006 Fatherland St
Nashville, TN 37206
Cost: $45/person (purchase tickets here)
21+ event
We all know that some of the best food in Nashville is found in East Nashville, so what could be better than an event bringing together over 30 of those restaurants, chefs, food artisans, and specialty purveyors? The 4th annual Yum!East benefits Fannie Battle Day Home for Children, and this year marks the 125th anniversary of this wonderful organization.
Admission to the event includes unlimited tastings from East Nashville eateries, souvenir glass, open bar with craft beer and wine, and live music.
For more information and a list of participating restaurants, visit www.yumeast.com.

Atlanta Food & Wine Festival
Thursday, June 2nd – Sunday, June 5th, 2016
Midtown Atlanta
Cost: Various pricing levels
This is one event happening outside of Nashville that I always like to highlight because it is an incredible one, and it’s a relatively easy drive from here. This will be my 5th Atlanta Food & Wine Festival, and every year has been better than the last! I’ll be pulling double duty as an ambassador for Goo Goo and as media, so it’s both work and play for me.
If you take a look back at my experiences here, here , here. and here, I think you’ll see that even the “work” is fun!
Making the trip to Atlanta to partake in all of the deliciousness? Be sure to visit the Goo Goo table in the tasting tents and say hi to me!

Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’
Sunday, June 12th, 2016
3 – 5 pm
Front Lawn of First Presbyterian Church
4815 Franklin Pike
Nashville, TN 37220
Cost: $10 for adults (advance)
$8 for children (advance)
One of the best family friendly activities of the summer is happening in just a couple of weeks– Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’!
While the nearly 3,000 attendees stroll the lawn tasting, there will be judges hard at work finding winners for 3 categories: chocolate base, vanilla base and “other.” The winner from each category then vies for the “best of show,” which will be produced next year into a new Purity ice cream flavor. How cool is that?
I’ve had the pleasure of judging this event in the past, and believe me, there are some delicious flavors being served up!
For more information on the event, details on how to enter the contest, or to purchase tickets, click here.

TailGate Beer Candemonium!
Sunday, June 12th, 2016
2 – 5 pm
TailGate Beer
7300 Charlotte Pike
Nashville TN, 37209
Cost: Free, all ages, and open to the public
If ice cream isn’t your thing, then maybe you should grab the family and head over to TailGate brewery & tasting room as they throw a party to celebrate the release of three new cans– Grapefruit IPA, Peanut Butter Milk Stout, and Watermelon Wheat. There will be plenty of activities on the huge 7.5 acre property, including live music by the Dharmabillies, tastings, and a full specialty pizza menu.
I personally haven’t yet tried the Grapefruit IPA or the Watermelon Wheat, but I have had the pleasure of drinking the Peanut Butter Milk Stout and it is ridiculously good!

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016
5:30 – 9 pm
Martha O’Bryan Center
711 South 7th St
Nashville, TN 37201
Cost: $60
This year I will once again be judging a cooking competition for a great cause, FoodBank:Throwdown for the Martha O’Bryan Center. This fundraiser is a friendly competition with a twist- the chefs are challenged to create a winning dish using items typically donated to local food banks. We’re talking canned vegetables, fruits and soups, boxed starches and grains, white bread, and a few proteins.
Your ticket cost covers sample plates from the 8 chefs involved in the Throwdown, adult refreshments from Jackalope Brewing, and coffee from Frothy Monkey.
I’m excited to see what creative dishes the chefs come up with this year. If they’re half as good as last year’s winning dish, Spam Boudin Balls from Trey Cioccia, we’re in for a treat! For ticket information, visit their Eventbrite page.

Pints + Puppies
Thursday, June 23rd, 2016
7 – 10 pm
The Hook
2222 8th Ave S
Nashville, TN 37204
Cost: $15
While I’m judging Foodbank: Throwdown, across town The Hook will play host to Pints+Puppies on their awesome patio. Have a pup or just love pups? Then this event is for you.
While you’re enjoying some great food and beer with your friends, you can watch the pups compete in skills & trick competitions as well as a tail wagging contest! The winning doggies will be treated to organic locally-made treats as prizes.
For more information and updates on the event, visit the event FB page or CitySocial.
Oh my GOSH the Pints and Puppies sounds SO ADORABLE! I will have to make it! Is there any way to see what dogs are already entered or what the competitions will be in?
I hope that when the pandemic is over, there will be another yum feast in June 2022