Searching for the Best Desserts in Nashville

One of the questions I get asked most often is “Where should I go for dessert?” Sometimes it’s from out-of-towners, sometimes it’s from locals. Usually people are looking for a place to go for a special dessert. Maybe they have an anniversary, or have a hot date with plans to go see a show but want to finish off the evening with a nice glass of wine and a little something sweet.
Of course I have a few suggestions, but I know I’m probably missing some places, so that’s what this post is all about.
I’ve got a project in mind, and I need your help! I need to know where your favorite desserts are. Not just where, but also, what are they? What are the best of the best here in Nashville?
Even if you think I probably already know about a certain place or specific dessert, go ahead and leave a comment about it. I would love for my fondness for a certain confection be validated by your approval of it!
Then stay tuned…I’ll be back soon with a very sweet Nashville post once I’m done researching!
Marche! All of their desserts are wonderful. I mark the beginning of Spring when the Strawberry Mascarpone cake arrives in their dessert case and Summer has officially begun when the Peach Yogurt Cake is available. For a lighter dessert, any of their cookies and a coffee are always a winner.
We always enjoy the desserts at Lockeland Table and Rolf and Daughters. Of course, there’s always Jeni’s, too!
Lockeland Table’s Olive & Sinclair chocolate chip cookie skillet is the best of the best! I knew what I wanted to order for dessert before I even looked at the entrees, and I still dream of its rich, chocolately goodness months later!
Anne’s Cakes the best coconut cake in the city also the buttermilk pie over at Husk Nashville.
Agree on that buttermilk pie! Haven’t tried Anne’s coconut cake and I’m a sucker for coconut cake, so must do so!
Fried apple-stuffed doughnuts with caramel gelato from Eastland Cafe. Perfect end to a cheap happy hour meal!
The chocolate pie from Arnold’s is a national treasure and the banana pudding from Sylvan Park haunts me.
Agree about that hot chocolate pie! I haven’t ever tried to the banana pudding at Sylvan Park so must add that to my To Do list :-)
I love Gigi’s cupcakes (naturally), Legato Gelato, Pied Piper Creamery ice cream (favorite flavor is likely the oatmeal raisin cookie flavor. Divine!!!), and anything that Dozen bakery makes!
The toasted banana bread from Kayne Prime and the French Silk pie made by Dozen that’s served at Pinewood Social are two of my favorites.
Absolutely ANY dessert at City House. @myfavoriteplum never dissapoints!!!
I also especially love the coconut cake from The Picnic Cafe in Belle Meade…TO DIE FOR.
Last but not least would be the olive & sinclair dark chocolate brownie a la mode from Burger Up…divine if you still have room after the delish burgers and fries!
Rolph and daughters has some of the best… One of my favs is the chocolate pie with sea salt
The lemon curd at Sinema (which I see you have a photo of above) was exquisite. As are their Stones. I keep being wowed by that place. And Mason’s has some ridiculously delicious (and clever) stuff as well. I’m not a huge dessert person, so it’s gotta be impressive to catch me off guard.
Yes, that curd was delicious! Just had it on Monday night. And had an incredible blackberry peach pie with sweet corn ice cream at Mason’s recently. Seriously the best fruit pie I’ve ever had!
An oldie but a goodie…Sunset Grill. I still love going there for dessert. The coconut sushi is one of a kind.
Banana Pudding at Cool Cafe in Franklin.
Love the desserts at Etch!!!!
ME TOO. Megan is brilliant.
Cupcakes at The Sweet Stash are the best – hands down! And if you want to go old school, try the chocolate fried pie at Dairy King.
The strawberry cake at chef’s market is yummmmy. But, I might have to say my favorite is the sweet potato cupcake from cupcake collection.
Someone mentioned the Sweet Stash. I agree, the wedding cupcakes or any of her cupcakes are amazing to me. Not too sweet, just right. I don’t have a sweet tooth, so it has to be really good for me. The Chocolate Swiss Roll at the Farmhouse is so far my all time favorite dessert in Nashville. The lemon cream at Moto. A canoli at Savarino’s (if it’s made fresh for you and dipped in chocolate). Panna Cotta at Rolf & Daughter’s. If I were just going out for dessert I’d probably head to M as they have coconut cake that melts in your mouth and the blackberry cobbler. Old fashioned, but tried and true and a nice atmosphere.
Any of Anne’s cakes – especially the strawberry. But for a sit down dessert, the Banana Pudding Pie at Urban Grub is my favorite!
Whoever makes the coconut cake at Firefly…delicious! Also, someone used to do an incredible bananas foster cream pie for Cabana. It was my favorite dessert in town by far but no longer on the menu!
The Reverse Cowgirl at Silly Goose is sinfully good. Also love the Sweet Potato and Strawberry cupcakes from The Cupcake Collection!
I 2nd Charmaine on the coconut cake fr Firefly (Adele’s did not even come close in my humble opinion) & let’s not forget the peanut butter pie fr City House oh way way way too long ago. That sugar plate at Sinema is tasty too!
I’m a HUGE fan of the Grilled Angelfood Cake at 404 Kitchen. Good Stuff.
One tried and true example is the tiramisu at Caffe Nonna. It’s a nice capper to a good meal, or it could be the reason for ducking into the place all by itself. In Franklin, the triple layer coconut cream cake at The Red Pony is quite good, too.
The Goat’s Milk Panna Cotta at Masons is the best it’s so creamy and smooth just delicious,
It’s been said ready, but pretty much anything at Etch by Megan and Jackie! And Kayla at The Capitol Grille is wonderful! Jeni’s of course, but also don’t over look the sweet treats (and macaroons!!) from Provence!
We love going old school with bananas foster from Sperry’s. It’s our favorite dessert only stop.
City House boasts my favorite desserts (especially their cookie plate) – they are simple, not too decadent or large, and just plain delicious! One past favorite was also a ginger snap ice cream sandwich with sweet potato gelato. Yum.
Chocolate fried pie at Dairy King is awesome. Just glad it’s located where it is or it would become a hipster hangout.
I love Jeni’s! Also, Flyte’s Lemon Cream Profiterole is divine!
I’m with Kelly. Sunset Grill is my go-to when I’m looking for a sweet treat! That Habenaro Butterscotch BreadPudding and Coconut sushi! OMG YUM! and what about the “egg roll” at Jacksons?