Happy May!

For my entire life, May has always been a very festive month. In addition to my birthday, there’s Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, Steeplechase, and Memorial Day to celebrate. Then, two years ago, I started something else that’s worth commemorating.
On May 1, 2009, Eat. Drink. Smile. was born. Little did I know when I typed out that very short introductory blog post that it would lead to the many wonderful opportunities I’ve been given and the many friendships that have been created.
I want to thank each and every one of you for tuning in to my adventures in cooking, eating and drinking, particularly those of you that comment and send me emails. Your feedback and responses really do mean a lot to me, so this month I’m going to attempt to show my gratitude by giving some stuff away! Instead of the usual “leave a comment to enter” giveaway, we’re going to do something new.
For the next prize (or two), I’m just going to pick a random chunk of days on my calendar and take the names of everyone that has left a comment during that time, put them in a hat and draw one out. If you’ve left 5 comments during the chosen days, then I’ll give you 5 entries. So see, it pays to speak up!
Want to practice commenting? Why don’t you tell me what you’ve got going on this month…do you celebrate any of the same things that I do in May?
Photo Credit: Birthday Cake by 3liz4
It’s my birthday month too. But I’m a stubborn Taurus, not a witty Gemini like you.
Whohoo!!! Congrats!! :) Here’s to two years and many more!
Happy Birthday to your blog!!! I love it & it was one of the first other Nashville food blogs I found. love your idea in picking winners. Hope I was vocal during those days :)
I’m particularly excited about this May: Derby, Steeplechase, GRADUATION, and some weddings I’m looking forward to. Happy blogiversary!
Can’t wait for Derby, either! I was so excited to find your Nashville blog – I’ve been here almost 3 years now and I love it!
Thanks Sarah! Are you going to the Derby? I’ve bought way too many hats & dresses but can’t decide what I’m wearing yet!
I’m a May birthday girl as well (the 6th)! I’m in good company i see :) My big events for May: cinco de mayo, birthday, Mother’s Day (my 1st one as a married girl-spending it with my MIL), Memphis In May, 3 weddings & 2 showers, running 2 Trail Race 10Ks, and Memorial Day vaca. Thank goodness for great food & celebration ideas from blogs like yours!
I’m a relatively new reader, and i’m so glad i found your blog. I’ve had so much fun skimming through your archive posts as well. Thank you for such a fun, inspiring place and for sharing your talents with us Beth. Congrats on your Blogaversary & best wishes for many more!
Thanks so much Ally and happy early birthday!!
Whooo! Happy Blogiversary! Or… Blog Birthday!
Time sure flies in the blog world, eh?
Happy blogger birthday! I always enjoy it and wish you and it many happy returns!!!
Happy Birthday to my Birthday sharing friend! I will be celebrating in Mexico this year with my friends Tanya Vocque and Craig Harris’ wedding. Also, David’s Birthday kicks off May festivities on May 3rd.
aw, happy birthday month to you pretty girl!! give David a bday hug for me too :-)
Congratulations Beth!
Happy Birthday to you {later this month} and your blog {today}! May is all about Mother’s Day and my sister’s Birthday for us!
A very Happy Birthday to Eat, Drink and Smile. I so enjoy reading your posts and look forwards to congratulating you on many more birthdays and anniversaries.
We celebrate our wedding anniversary and that is the best day of the year.
Happy Anniversary Eat Drink Smile! I’m so glad I’ve been able to get to know you through the blogging community ~ it’s such a fun way to get to know others with similar interests. I also have a lot to celebrate this month ~ my wedding anniversary, Mother’s Day, mother and father’s birthdays, as well as several friends birthdays. Happy May!
Too many celebrations to keep up with! Two kids have birthdays, 1 5th grade graduation, end of the school year for 4 kids, awards, awards, and more awards!
Happy blog anniversary to you! I love reading and keeping up with local food blogs!
WOO HOO for MAY bdays! Mine’s the 26th. This month I’m looking forward to going to Generous Helpings, http://www.secondharvestmidtn.org/events/index.php
Oh yes, how could I forget my favorite food event!?? My birthday is the 24th so you and I will probably have overlapping celebrations! of course, I celebrate for weeks so that’s easy to do ;-)
Happy early birthday!
Congrats on turning 2! I’m so glad you started this blog as it’s how we became friends! I think you were the first fellow foodie I found online. ;)
This month I’m looking forward to running another 5K, seeing Paul Simon at the Ryman, and visiting friends out of town. Busy month!
Congratulations, Beth! Been a pleasure getting to know you over the past (almost a) year!
May will mark Cinco de Mayo, the beginning of supper club, and one of my best friend’s weddings at the end of the month!
Congrats! Happy Blogiversary! I definitely plan on finding a good Cinco De Mayo celebration locally and I’m going to down to Pensacola later this month to eat my weight in seafood!
Happy Blog-Birthday and Happy Birthday month to you! I love that I stumbled upon your blog last year, it’s so fun to read about our shared interests and all of your experiences. And I’ve have met some pretty awesome people this year thanks to you! :). May has always been a favorite month of mine, in part because I can show my Mom and several other amazing women in my life just how special they are to me on Mother’s Day. Oh, and because I can break out my cute sundresses and sandals and hopefully the weather will cooperate!!
hooray, beth! look at the amazing community/following you’ve established in two years. congrats, and thank you for sharing.
to me, May means mothers day. my mom, sister and i have always celebrated together, and i chose mothers day three years ago to share the news of my first pregnancy. these days we pack a picnic and go to a different park each year with the kids.
technically it was april 29, but i look at May 2011 as the time to start my very own blog. more to come. :)
Happy Blogiversary! May is the end of the school year! So each day gets a little more exciting than the one before! 19 teaching days!!!
Happy blogiversary and birth month! I love keeping up with your blog and all the adventures you have – keep it up! This May for me holds an exciting trip to Spain(!!) with the family – and first trip with my whole family plus the new addition of my husband. going to be interesting thats for sure!!
Oh, I’m so jealous! I want to go to Spain SO BADLY! Are you going to Barcelona by chance? That’s my dream destination….
We most certainly are going to Barcelona! Spending 5 days there and 5 days in Seville… so excited about all the food markets and wineries!! The food lover in me gets giddy just at the thought of it – I will happily bring back whatever extra pounds all the amazing food adds :-)
Happy Blogiversary and Birthday, Beth! Thanks for sharing two years of deliciousness with us and for being born *ahem* years ago. Cheers!
Well…along with your mentioned holidays (especially Mother’s Day ;), we celebrate my mother’s, sister’s, grandmother’s, two girlfriends, and a cousin’s (that’s you!) birthdays, PLUS my 15th wedding anniversary married to the best man…I think you know him…We plan on taking a trip somewhere south and warm right after school and finals are graded!
Congrats on your blog anniversary and I can’t express how much I enjoy reading it, experimenting with your recipes, drooling over your photography, and anxiously awaiting your next post!
wow! I didn’t realize you had so many birthdays in May to celebrate! I did, however, remember that we shared a special day ;-)
I can’t believe it’s already been 15 years~ time really does fly, doesn’t it? Happy early Anniversary to you both!
I think I’m attending a cake decorating class in the Boro on your birthday!
Joy, Joy, Happy May!
Congrats on two years of a beautiful blog site.
Well Done!
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