Soup Sampling Sunday

Just curious- any of my Nashville readers ever attended the Our Kids’ Soup Sunday event?

I haven’t in the past, but it’s coming up this weekend and I’m seriously contemplating it this time around. With 50 restaurants participating, I figure there has to be some pretty fantastic bisques, chowders, stews, and maybe even dessert soups on hand to taste, especially since some of my Nashville favorites are on the roster: Saffire, Park Cafe, Bread and Company, Frothy Monkey, and Eastland Cafe (to name a few).

So if you’ve been before, let me know what you think. Your feedback may determine whether I get out of pajamas on Sunday and brave the cold to go warm up with some hot soups!

What: Our Kids’ Soup Sunday
When: Sunday, Feb. 28th
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Where: LP Field, Club Level West

Click here for more information and to buy tickets in advance: $20 for adults; $8 for kids; or $40 for the whole family