The Bacon Takedown

A few weeks ago I received an email with the subject line “Nashville Bacon Takedown” and my heart began to flutter. A cooking contest featuring bacon? I could do this. But to my great dismay I soon discovered that the event is next weekend when I’ll be visiting a friend in Pittsburgh. Why, oh why? And what kills me even more? It’s being held at Aerial, where my husband and I got married last year. I love Aerial, I love bacon, I love cooking. Very sad I can’t attend.

So some of you amateur cooks out there- I beg you- please, please enter this competition! It’s completely free to enter your recipe, and I desperately want to hear all about it from someone who experiences it first hand. Ryan or Erin – I have strong faith in both of you….

Even if you aren’t interested in showing off your cooking skills, at least go and eat as much bacon infused goodness as you can possibly hold. It’s only $15 to sample all of the bacon creations and vote for a winner. The views of the downtown skyline from Aerial’s rooftop terrace on Broadway are enough reason to go even without the added incentive of mouth-watering bacon.

Speaking of mouth-watering, check out this recent video from ABC – spicy bacon truffles, bacon bourbon ice cream, bacon tamales, oh bacon!

Nashville Bacon Takedown
Sunday, September 13th
(private club above Paradise Park Trailer Resort)
411 Broadway
$15 to taste all of the entries
Free to enter a recipe
$100 prize to the winner!

To inquire contact Matt Timms:

Photo Credit: BACON! by Dave77459