Sorghum’s Savor

As I read the four page intro of author Ronni Lundy‘s new book, Sorghum’s Savor, I was transported back in time. Back to my childhood in Kentucky. Back to the breakfast table where I smooshed and swirled butter and sorghum together before smearing it on a hot biscuit my mom had just taken from the oven.
There are two foods that will always and forever bring back memories of home for me, and those are country ham and sorghum. So when I got a press release about this book, I immediately told the publisher that I would love a copy. I’m so very, very glad that I did!
Ronni Lundy, also a Kentucky native, is an incredible storyteller, and I found myself quickly devouring (no pun intended) the history and science behind this Southern staple. There are some mouthwatering recipes- from old favorites to new, modern ones that use the ingredient in a way that I’ve never thought to do. I can’t wait to try the Curried Pumpkin Soup, Miso-Sorghum Chicken & Kale, Seared Steak & Lentil Salad and Sorghum & Grits Ice Cream!
For those that have special memories of sweet sorghum like I do, I suggest grabbing a copy of this book now. For those that aren’t so familiar, well, I suggest you do the same. Many well known chefs have started to discover sorghum’s magic, so you’re sure to see this ingredient popping up on restaurant menus even more in the months to come. You’ll be such a fascinating conversationalist if you learn all about sorghum’s savor before everyone else does!
For those of us here in Nashville, we’re very fortunate to have the perfect opportunity to not only buy one of the books, but also hear Ronni Lundy speak and meet her face to face tonight at Parnassus Books in Green Hills!
Ronni Lundy Book Signing
Monday, April 6th, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Parnassus Books
3900 Hillsboro Pike

Thank you, Beth, for such lovely words. Much and warmly appreciated!
When my parents split up when I was 5, my dad wasn’t the best in the kitchen so we did this many a morning but with wonder bread :) one of my favorite memories of that time!