Watch Out Chi-town

Here I come again!

That’s right folks, I’m heading to the Windy City this weekend for the 2nd time in less than 3 months. Don’t you know I must really love that place if I choose to go for a visit in JANUARY!?

Truth be told, I’m missing my Chicago friend Libby. As you might recall, I didn’t get to see her on my last visit and even though I had an amazing time- something just felt off. Of the dozens and dozens of times I’ve been to Chicago, only my very 1st trip in the early 90’s and this last one in November have been sans Lib.

Since the day we graduated from college and went our separate ways, I don’t think we’ve gone more than a year without seeing each other. Despite her living in Chicago and me living in San Diego and now Nashville, we’ve always stayed connected. By my calculations, it’s now been 50 weeks since I last saw her. It’s time.

Meet Libby.
Otherwise known as: Lib. Libbers. LibM90.

Celebrating in 1996
We’re both crazy Geminis with birthdays less than a week apart

Together again for birthdays in 2008

Lib always whisks me off to fabulous places all over town, and I’m sure this time will be no different. So stay tuned next week for the full report on our adventures! ~
