There are a gazillion versions of this recipe floating around on the internet, so I know I’m not publishing anything novel here, but these sweet treats hold a special place in my heart and memory, so I figure they deserve a place on my blog. In fact, these cookies have been a part of my life for probably longer than I can remember them being a part of my life.
After I posted a photo of them on Instagram yesterday, my cousin Lori commented “Seems like Aunt Nell had these waiting for me every day after kindergarten! They were the best!”
When Lori was in kindergarten, I was a wee babe. Actually, it’s likely that I wasn’t even eating solid foods yet. It’s also very likely that this may have been the first dessert (besides fruit) I ever ate. Just speculating of course….
I do know they are one of the few foods that I vividly remember from my childhood. I’ll never forget the smell of the chocolate as it bubbled in the saucepan on the stove. Or how I burned my tongue more than a few times because I was overeager to get the hot, buttery mixture into my mouth. I can still recall the vision of my mom dropping the gooey masses onto the wax paper on the counter. And I definitely remember how happy they made me.
Yields 18-24
2 cups granulated white sugar
6 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa
1 stick of butter
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups Old Fashioned Quaker Oats
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
Combine sugar, cocoa, butter and milk in saucepan, bring to a boil. Add vanilla extract.
Remove from heat and add oats (and other optional ingredients). Stir well.
Drop by spoonfuls onto parchment or wax paper and allow to cool.
You’ll notice I’ve got a couple of “optional” ingredients in my recipe. My mom never added these – she’s a purist. But her daughter is a little more adventurous, so sometimes I give them a little twist. Peanut Butter can also be added (1/2 cup will do).