Tweet Me Right! M Street
Virago Sake Patio
Last year I started a little series called “Tweet Me Right!”, where I recognized local businesses that impressed me with their Twitter skills. Tweeting a special of the day isn’t what gets my attention. Communication is key. I look for Twitter accounts that are interacting with their customers, creating dialogue, and thanking them for their business.
It has actually been quite a long time since I’ve done one of these spotlights, but recently someone in particular has really stood out from the rest of the pack of Nashville tweeters, and I felt compelled to do one again.
Tavern Upper Patio
This recognition is a little different than others I’ve done, because I’m not just focusing on one restaurant, but instead an entire group of restaurants – M Street. The M Street Group is made up of Tavern, Virago, Whiskey Kitchen and Kayne Prime. I follow them all on Twitter, so I get to eavesdrop on many a conversation between them and their patrons, and I like what I see.
While the tweeting aspect is the main reason for this shout-out, it’s not the only one. Every part of the business comes into play – food, service, ambiance. I can honestly say that all of my most recent experiences at each of these places has been spot on. Need a reminder of some of the fantastic food I’ve had at each? Just look here for Whiskey Kitchen, here for Virago, here for Tavern and here for Kayne Prime.
Whiskey Kitchen
There are a couple of things in particular that I’d like to point out in addition to those posts. First, the Chef’s Menu at Virago. While most of you know that the sushi is some of the best in the city, you may not often try some of the other amazing offerings. That’s a mistake. The next time you’re there, venture off that sushi menu and try something new. I bet you won’t be disappointed.
Next, let’s talk about Kayne Prime. Yes, it’s a steakhouse. To be completely honest, up until now, steakhouses are pretty much my last choice when dining out. I’m an adventurous eater and have never really understood the allure of eating something I could easily make at home. But my attitude has now changed and it’s completely thanks to Kayne Prime.
This is no typical steakhouse. The menu is inventive, creative, and even vegetarians can leave feeling not only satisfied, but happy. In fact, last week when I was craving vegetables and had a dinner date with a non-meat eating friend, the first place I thought to go was Kayne Prime. Sound weird? Maybe a bit, but we feasted on an array of incredible (very large) side dishes, and even had enough left over to take home for another meal.
Kayne Prime Union Room
Now to the very best part of this post. Reinforcing my opinion of their awesomeness, the M Street group has happily offered up three $25 gift cards for me to give away to my readers! One card will be for Tavern, one for Virago, and the other for Kayne Prime. All you have to do to enter is this:
Mandatory for Entry: Leave a comment below telling me which of the M Street restaurants is your favorite and why. Never been to any of them? Then which one do you most want to try?
Increase your chances to win with these additional entries. Note- you must leave a separate comment:
- On Twitter, follow one of the M Street group restaurants that you don’t already follow: @viragonashville, @tavernnashville, @kayneprime, or @whiskeykitchen and tweet the following: Win a $25 gift card for one of Nashville’s best restaurants from @betheats! Then come back here and tell me you tweeted, along with your twitter handle.
- “Like” Kayne Prime on Facebook, then come back here and tell me you liked them, leaving your first name and last initial so it can be verified. (KP is the newest of the bunch, so we need to show it some love!)
Contest ends on Monday, August 22nd at NOON CST. Once the winners are chosen, I’ll contact them via email and will post it here on the blog. If any of the winners don’t respond within 48 hours, I’ll be forced to choose others, so make sure you check your email!
I’ve always wanted to go to Virago, but end up going to closer to home places or places I’ve got ‘deals’ for.
Liked KP on FB
Steak is amazing. Cream Corn Brulee’ is a must. Great Wine list.
I “Liked” KP on Facebook – Julie P.
Virago is by far my favorite! I haven’t been to the new location yet, but my birthday on September 3 is being planned for there! I can’t wait! Best sushi in Nashville hands down!
I also love Whiskey Kitchen! The two for ones on Tuesday nights is great plus the food is very good!
Can’t wait to try Kanye Prime!
LOVE Virago – one of my favorite places in town. Hubby and I really want to try KP!
Liked KP on Facebook!
The best seat at Virago is at the Sushi bar… they are amazing at what they do… would like to try out Kayne Prime but seem to always end up at Virago
LOVE Virago! LOVE LOVE LOVE! M Street knocked it out of the park! Whiskey Kitchen is great and Kayne Prime is popular with the men in my family. Wonderful concept! I would LOVE to win $25 to any of these awesome places!
Tweet Tweet! I tweeted: @tamimichelle
Following VIrago on Twitter – das33440
Friended KP on Facebook!
Virago is probably my favorite of the restaurants, though I’ve been to Tavern & Whiskey Kitchen several times. I was super-impressed with the service at Virago; everyone seemed to be in a great mood and with amazing food, I was talking about it for weeks afterward.
I followed Whiskey Kitchen on Twitter.
aaaaand, I ‘liked” Kayne Prime on FB. Can’t wait to try them out.
I LOVE Kayne Prime just went the first time 2 weeks ago but it was some of the very best food I have had in Nashville! I cannot wait to go back.
I have been to Whiskey Kitchen and when I am visiting Nashville again in October I am planning on trying out Kayne Prime.
I also went and found Kayne Prime on FB and “like” them now
-annie S
I liked Kayne Prime on FB.
Whiskey Kitchen – social drinks, lunch
Tavern – food and music
Kayne Prime – romance
Virago – all the above
I love Viragos. Every since they were at the old location. They have the best sushi and I will never cheat on Viragos and go anywhere else. The staff is wonderful and the atmosphere is great. They are the best. But I also have to commend the other places they are great also.
What a great giveaway! Virago will always have a place in my heart (moreso the original, but I love the new one also). It was the first restaurant I went to when I moved to Nashville and it was where I sat every Monday night for half-price sushi. Once upon a time I may have even had a thing for one of the bartenders…
All that aside, I would love to try Kayne – it’s the only M Street restaurant I haven’t been to!
And I liked Kayne Prime on FB as well.
Argh sorry – Vicki S., liked on Facebook!
I love Tavern! We have made it our Sunday date spot. We use to go for late lunch but now we are enjoying their fabulous Brunch menu!
I love the Tavern! They have amazing drink choices, appetizers and desserts as well. Don’t forget to try the s’mores! I thought they would be a little pricey, but they are no more than I expected. The food, service, ambiance and the whole experience is worth the money. Great dining experience for Nashville!
I just tweeted! @jdwensel
I like Kayne Prime!
Red Velvet Waffle. Nuff said.
Virago has been on my go to list for a while, 7so that would be my choice.
I tweeted for Tavern.
I became fan of Kayne Prime on Facebook.
SO hard to decide. I frequent Tavern most often, but I would have to say Virago is my favorite. I love the chic atmosphere, the amazing food selection, the great service, and the rooftop patio giving a great view of the city!
I’ve been to Tavern more than any of them lately…burger and Kaya toast are faves in our house right now – but I still think about the V2 edamame & Honey Fire roll that I had a few weeks ago at Virago. I could eat the edamame sauce with a spoon. Soooo good.
I tweeted.
I like Kayne Prime on FB.
I love virago & tavern but have never been to Kayne Prime and am dying to go!!
My favorite is Virago. Although I have also enjoyed Whiskey Kitchen. Virago has the best sushi in town and the “Fire Crunch” is jus the perfect combination of crunch with a kick!!
I love Whiskey Kitchen! I haven’t been to Virago or Kanye Prime yet, but they’re at the top of my list!
I’ve love Virago for years and Tavern is on the top of our “to try” list!
Lately I have been obsessing over Tavern. Their brunch is amazing, not to mention the rest of their menu. I’ve unfortunately not been to Virago since it moved and have got to get over there…
sorry tweeted and its @foodisagoodthing
and last but not least… now following Whiskey Kitchen!
I liked the facebook page – Heather K
Can’t wait to try whisky kitchen!!
I “liked” Kayne Prime on Facebook because just yesterday, my boss took an interviewee to Kayne Prime, and I was SO jealous that this northern-baby-faced-recent-college-grad-who-has-never-been-to-Nashville-and-probably-can’t-find-it-on-a-map got to try Nashville’s newest fancy restaurant before me! =)
haha. yes, that is definitely NOT fair!
I have recently moved to Nashville and have not tried any of them. But I would LOVE to try Tavern.
I tweeted :) I have always wanted to try Virago but I love both Whiskey Kitchen and Tavern! @Liz_ashton
Hey Beth,
I’m not even sure how I stumbled on your blog, but I subscribed right away. (It’s the first blog I actually subscribed to!) I totally related to being that person that everyone calls for restaurant advice, recipes, etc. But I’m not complaining-I love it!! I’ve thought about starting a food blog for awhile, but for now I’ll live vicariously through you! (I do contribute once a week or so to my group’s blog, and I find myself talking about food or recipes a lot on there… if you care! ha!) I’m the pudgier blond! HA!
OK, so Virago hands down. I finally figured out a few months back through a friend that I could order sushi with “soy paper” instead of seaweed. I LOVE IT AND CRAVE IT NOW! The seaweed was holding me back-a texture thing. So I’ve figured out that Virago is the Holy Grail of sushi…
And, I found out about Tavern’s brunch on your blog! Closer to Brentwood and me than Marche, so I’m all about it! Can’t wait to try.
Thanks for taking time to write your cute blog!
PS I’ve never commented on a blog either, so it will be a miracle if this even posts…
Hi Shelley! I’m so glad you found my blog, and glad that you commented. Miracle of all miracles, it worked ;-)
Love Whiskey Kitchen! I’ve been wanting to try the other M Street restaurants, but WK keeps pulling me back in!!
Have eaten at all but Viarago and am a fan. They hit on all cylinders of great restaurants, food, Decor – ambiance – and most importantly service. They genuinely seemed happy to have you and leave you wanting to come back. I have been a regular at the Palm since they opened and have enough points to have my caricuture on the wall but have gone to KP twice in a row now and haven’t looked back. I have been in Viarago for drinks and think it is a beautiful restaurant, little something for everyone.
Just need to get a condo down there so I don’t have to leave.