Drink Up! Hydrate with the Groove™
I will state the obvious: It is HOT.
Although I am not a medical professional, I’m going to give you some sound advice that should lessen your chance of heat stroke: Stay hydrated.
Water is my preferred beverage of choice even on days when it’s not sizzling outside, so I’ve never had much trouble taking in the recommended 64 oz a day. Unfortunately, for years a good bit of what I was taking in came in the form of bottled water. No more. In an effort to become less wasteful and more environmentally friendly, I’ve been trying as best I can to cut bottled water out of my life. At home and at work it’s easy to drink out of a glass, but when mobile, on the go and working out, the perfect hydration vessel had eluded me.
That was, until the fine folks at CamelBak offered to let me try out their new Groove™ no-spill water bottle with a built in filter.
Since the day it arrived over a month ago, I’ve been carrying my Groove™ with me wherever I go. There are several reasons I love it:
- It’s 100% BPA-Free
- It’s easy to refill and easy to use because of it’s built-in filter
- It’s durable and easy to carry
- The Flip & Sip bite valve ensures no spills
- It’s dishwasher safe
- And here’s one you won’t read in their sales materials: It’s great for hangovers. The design allows for drinking without ever having to lift your head off the pillow. (I may or may not have learned this from personal experience)
As is always the case when I get a free product sample, I only share with you if it’s something I feel strongly about, and this is one of those things.
So where do you get it?
You may have noticed that I’ve added an Amazon store to my blog! See it over in the right side bar? This is where you can find products that I personally use and love, including the Groove™. So if you want to buy one all you have to do is click on my store and you’ll find it in the kitchen and dining section.
Or maybe you’d like to win it?
That’s right, I’m giving one away this week!
~ Contest Closed ~
The Winner is #61 Allison!
Mandatory for entry: All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me about your hydration habits (or lack thereof).
Optional bonus entries: Do either of the below and then come back here and leave a separate comment telling me you’ve done so.
- Follow @betheats on Twitter and tweet the following: Drink up! Win a CamelBak Groove from @betheats: http://bit.ly/mwNhqU
- “Like” Eat. Drink. Smile. on Facebook.
One winner will be chosen via random.org this Sunday, June 12th at NOON CST. Once the winner is chosen, I’ll contact him or her via email and update this post. If the winner doesn’t respond within 48 hours, I’ll be forced to choose another winner, so make sure you check your email!
Photo credit: Water can be art by jason carlosn
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I drink lots of water in my Camelbak Better Bottle…it’s basically the Groove without the filter. I would love to have the Groove!
I force myself to drink at least 64 oz, however; I don’t enjoy it. :-)
And I liked you on facebook!
I work in a medical facility and drink water throughout the day. I keep a bottle of water at my desk at all times. I would love to have a cameLbak water bottle.
This bottle looks awesome! I have been carrying a reusable water bottle with me for about 4 years now. We no longer use bottled water!!
Looks awesome! Would love to put that to use everyday.
Liked. :) easy enough
I definitely need to drink more water each day – if it’s in front of me, I’ll drink it, but if it’s not, I forget all about hydrating!
I lack a water habit… Its funny you’re giving one of these away because I was just thinking that I would do much better if my water bottle had a straw. I can down water in a heartbeat if I have a straw.
I love green tea, and drink frequently, but I drink a lot of water. Sadly there seem to be water bottles all through my house.
I’ve started adding Apple Cider Vinegar (only the unfiltered -from a health food store) to my water for the extra health benefits.
I quit smoking 4 months ago and was drinking quite a bit of water at first to flush the toxins out of my body. But after I stabilized I got right back on the 6 Diet Cokes a day habit. I need to drink more water, and I know it, but I’m not exactly
trusting of tap water – and I hate buying bottled water for several reasons. So, I need something like this Camelback thingy.
I love seltzer water, and drink several cans of it per day…so much that I need to invest in a SodaStream! I am trying to drink more of the regular water…at least 24 oz per day..more in this heat.
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I am always carrying water bottles around!
I drink a ton of water! I use a Life Factory glass bottle but it’s hard to use when I’m on the treadmill (I often spill it all over myself trying to drink while moving!). The CamelBak Groove would be perfect for the gym and working out at home!
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I really wish I’d had one of these when I was pregnant and having to drink yucky water at work. Refilling a huge Brita at the work sink several times a day didn’t win me any friends. :)
And of course I already like you on facebook!
That product would definitely help at work for me to drink more water and less sodas!
Love the camelbak brand. Useful at things like bonnaroo or cmafest. Didn’t know these came with filters now!
What a fabulous product! Like many others, I drink water 90% of the time…and I end up recycling hundreds of water bottles a year….I love that this bottle has a built in filter!! (OH! And, I have liked you on fb for months!:-)
I’d love to win this!! I need to drink more water while at work! Having a fridge at home that filters water helps at home, but the water tastes awful at work. Thanks for the contest!
I drink water overnight from a bedside pitcher that has a little glass as a lid, but I really struggle with gettting enough during the day. I’ve recently started adding a splash of light cranberry juice to my water and it’s helping a bit.
I tweeted!
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I am terrible about hydrating myself! I drink too much coffee and forget that it dehydrates me!
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I would love one of these! At home, I’m the only one without a water bottle, so I constantly drink out of everyone else’s. Zarna gets really angry about that. This bottle would cure my problems!
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And I tweeted!
I’m an obsessive hydrater. I keep a 32oz bottle on my desk that helps me get enough water during the day. I dehydrate easily, especially with all the running and training I do, so even though I don’t really like water, I force myself. Large reusable water bottles really help.
I also like Eat Drink Smile on Facebook.
I totally need one of these. I too love water but I am in the horrible habit of keeping bottled water with me at all times. I really really like the filter aspect!! Great find beth!!!!
I don’t drink enough water, so having a filter to help with the taste would make it easier to increase my intake.
Built in filter, yay! I carry my stainless steel bottle everywhere and refill at random water fountains…having a filter would make my day. I am breastfeeding my 4 1/2 month old and I try to drink plenty of water but when not at home have to do the non-filtered, dare I say tainted H2O.
FYI– in my crazy 20’s , which was long ago, my Camelbak stayed next to my bed with it’s hose near my pillow for those not so perky hungover mornings…. you don’t even lift a finger that way.
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I drink almost a gallon of water a day, so this would help me keep up my good habit!
I drink at least 4 glasses a day! Wil drink more if I work out. I liked you on FB and tweeted about the contest too!
I want to win!!! What a great product!!! My hydration habits – I have a quart cup a work that I fill everyday, and sip on it all day long, sometimes I drink 1.5 cups per day. I always have a reuseable bottle of water in my handbag just to sip on when I am thirsty. And of course a reusable bottle of water while jogging or walking (especially during the Walk 100 Miles http://www.Walk100Miles.com program).
I try and drink a lot of water daily, but sadly I’m living in hostels and airfields so it is often bottled water.