Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’
Unless you are allergic to dairy, lactose intolerant, or just don’t like ice cream (which is downright crazy), then this an event you do NOT want to miss! With more flavors than you could possibly imagine, Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’ is not only fun for the whole family, all proceeds support the great work that the Martha O’Bryan Center provides to our community.
Sponsored by Purity Dairy, this is a contest that anyone can enter. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the following categories:
• Chocolate base
• Vanilla base
• Other
The winner from each category then vies for the title “Best of Show” and that flavor will be made into a Purity ice cream flavor next year!
To give you just some idea of the variety you might expect to see, here are a few of my favorites from last year’s crankin’:
- “Nana Mocha” – Banana Mocha Cookie
- “Parisienne” – Blueberry Cheesecake
- Peanut Butter Oreo
- “Nantucket Swirl” – Fudge, Almonds, Cranberry
- Tequila Mexican Vanilla (mmm…tasted like flan)
- Honey Roasted Peach Pie
- Triple Ginger (of course!)
Believe me, there will be so many flavors to choose from that I dare to say there is absolutely no way you can taste them all!
Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’
Front Lawn of First Presbyterian Church
4815 Franklin Pike
Sunday, June 12, 2011
3 – 5 pm
$10 for adults ($13 at gate)
$8 for children ($10 at gate)
children under two are free
Special: If you buy 9 tickets online, you’ll receive 1 free adult admission
For more information, instructions on how to enter the contest, or to buy tickets online, please visit the event website.

Photo credit: Guinness Milk Chocolate Ice Cream by joyosity on flickr
That is typically naptime, but I am planning to be there again!