Generous Helpings and The Best Dessert

A few weeks from now, one of the best food tasting events in Nashville takes place. Generous Helpings, an annual fundraiser for Second Harvest Food Bank, features bite-size portions of appetizers, entrees, desserts from a variety of popular local eateries like Holland House, F. Scott’s, Sweet 16th Bakery, Table 3, tayst, Pied Piper Creamery, and Fido, just to name a few (see here for full list). It’s an event that I personally never miss, and recommend that you add it to your calendar as well.
What: Generous Helpings
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: Nashville Farmers’ Market
900 Rosa Parks Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37208
Tickets are $40 in advance here, or $50 at the door. But since I like you all so much, I’m giving away a pair of tickets ($80 value) to a lucky reader!
Lately the question of “what’s the best dessert in Nashville?” has been popping up a lot, and sadly, I don’t really have an answer. A few years ago, my hands-down favorite dessert in a Nashville restaurant was Mirror’s banana bread pudding with caramel sauce and vanilla bean ice cream. Since it’s been gone, I’ve had a few stellar desserts here and there, but none that I go back for over and over again. So that’s where you come in. In order to win this pair of tickets I have up for grabs, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me what you think the most amazing sweet treat in Nashville is!
~Contest Closed~
The Winner is: Lucky #13, Miranda Christy!
Tuesday, April 19th at 6 pm is when the contest ends, so be sure you have all your entries in by then. At that time I’ll update this post with the winner’s name, but I’ll also email directly and will need a response back within 48 hours, so please make sure you use a valid email address when entering. Good luck!
I am a fan of your page on fb!
I am a fan of second harvest on fb! I love their mission and I have volunteered there, they are a wonderul organization! I would looooovveeeee to go to this event!!!
The blueberry beignets at Eastland Cafe are my favorite!
we rarely eat dessert because we tend to fill up before we get to that point but I used to love the chocolate soup at Mirror (sniff sniff)
I haven’t had it in ages, but I’ve got to say that Leland Riggan’s dense chocolate cake is the best in town. While we were engaged, we had this at another wedding, and on the spot decided it would be our groom’s cake. Amazing!
Oh my gosh, if you are referring to her chocolate truffle cake, you are so right. Had it for the first time in 2000 at a friend’s wedding and have since suggested it to many others who’ve then served it at theirs! It is INCREDIBLE!
ps — already a fan on FB!
tiramisu at bella napoli
already like on fb
i love love the pumpkin creme brulee at ChaChah!!! to die for!
I completely agree, but didn’t mention it since it’s seasonal. I could eat it all year round though if it stayed on the menu ;-)
Cookie dough Egg Roll at Jackson’s or the Carrot Cake at J. Alexanders (I know it’s a chain, but it’s so good even if you don’t like carrot cake)
My husband loves carrot cake, and you’re the second person to say that J Alexander’s has a great one, so looks like I need to take him over there to try it soon!
I’m a fan on facebook. :)
I am not much if a desert person so I cant say I have sampled many around Nashville – but the Habanero Bread Pudding at Sunset is always a favorite. Also, although I have yet to try it, the Creme Brule at Miel looks incredible!
Ok, you’re the 3rd person to mention the habanero bread pudding, so looks like a trip to Sunset is in order :-)
I “like” you on facebook!
Granny Smith Apple & Sun-Dried Cranberry Crostada from Park Cafe
Following both on twitter and retweeted!
I don’t splurge on dessert all that often, but I absolutely adore the Elvis Panini at Patterson House.Simple, yet delicious. And is the mandatory post-dinner cocktail that accompanies the panini considered dessert, too? Definitely :)
I have liked you and Second Harvest on Facebook – actually, have liked y’all for a while!
The Thai Tea Creme Brulee at Suzy Wong’s! It’s hard not to lick the bowl…
already a fan on facebook
I totally remember the bread pudding from Mirror, back when Mirror was still offering a quality menu so maybe 2 years before they shut their doors.
The hot chocolate at Cha Chah is to-die-for but I really love the creme brulee at Park Cafe, it’s a really light take on the dessert, not heavy on sugar, and oh-so heavenly.
The ice cream sampler at silly goose is always a favorite – I’m surprised every time
When I want a sweet treat, I head to the Cupcake Collection! The sweet potato cupcake and strawberry lemonade cupcake are AMAZING!!
And I already follow you and 2nd Harvest on Twitter! Will tweet the contest next…
Looks like someone beat me to this one, but I love the Cheesecake Sopapilla at Sambucca! It’s coated with cinnamon sugar and served with caramel and ice cream. It’s a really generous portion, so it’s perfect for splitting with someone, or eating the whole thing after a salad-only main course! :) I had it for my birthday a couple years ago, and they fixed up my plate beautifully, writing “Happy Birthday” in chocolate sauce along the top! YUM!
I like both you and Second Harvest on FB!
I tweeted!
A Would have to say that a favorite would be the bananas foster @ Mad Platter. However, a couple of months ago, The Acorn had a delicious buttered popcorn gelato. Sweet and salty goodness!!!
I wonder if that buttered popcorn gelato is made by Bravo Gelato? I’ve had theirs before and love it! I know that Tavern serves it in a dessert they have as well…
I love the Hot Chocolate that Arnold Myint makes at Cha Chah…It is very warm and soothing. I could eat it every weekend if it was possible. It is a great “date” dessert.
I was already a facebook fan and twitter following of you!
Capital Grille’s coconut cream pie is awesome
I already follow you on Twitter and now follow @2HarvestMidTN as well, and tweeted :)
The apple pie at Germantown Cafe is one of my fav’s!