It’s Almost Time~ Fido Wine 101!

Okay Nashville people. If you stick with me, I will ask very few things of you in the next 2-3 years. But one of them I’m asking today.

It’s almost time again for the Wine 101 class series at Fido, and I want you to take it! It was almost a year ago when I attended this myself, and as you can read here, it was life changing. (okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but c’mon, it’s good. Better than good, it’s great!)

Each week there’s a new topic, one building on the other:
Week One – Evolution of Wine

Week Two – The Vineyard

Week Three – The Winery

Week Four – Blending

All of this knowledge + wine + incredible food = the best bargain in town!
What: Wine 101
An Introduction to Wine, Winemaking, and The History of Wine
When: Wednesday Nights in August @ 7pm
Where: Fido
$20 per class
(plus tax and tip)
If you want more details of what these classes entail and the types of things you’ll be eating and drinking, go back in time and read “My Year in Food 2009“, “Wine 101: My Kind of Education“, and “Fido Wine Classes“. If those don’t entice you, I don’t know what will!

1812 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37212-3706
(615) 777-3436

Photo credit: Last sip of wine by paulaloe