Italian Wine Series at Fido

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that over the past few months I’ve participated in not one, but two series of wine classes that were offered at Fido. I even went as far as to name Wine 101 in my 2009 Best of Drink AND Food list.

Well today begins another series, and I feel like I would be doing you a great disservice by not mentioning it to you!

(click on the image to enlarge for more details)

This time the series lasts for 3 weeks and it’s all Italiano! As with the other classes, I am confident this will be an amazing value for only $20. Combine the knowledge you’ll acquire, the fantastic wines you’ll be drinking, and the delicious Italian dishes Chef John will be cooking up and it’s just too good to pass up. Salud!

1812 21st Ave S
Nashville, TN 37212
(615) 777-3436