My Year in Drink – 2009

The past few days I’ve counted down my best in food for 2009, but no New Year’s Eve would be complete without libations, so I thought I would share my Top 5 list when it comes to imbibing as well:

#5 Food & Wine Cocktails ’09

Even though we go out on the town quite often, it’s fun to sometimes experiment at our home bar. Some of the country’s top bartenders contributed their recipes to this little cocktail “cookbook”, one of my best purchases of the year. Maybe you remember the Cajun Lemonade I made this summer that was such a hit? Yep, it came from this book.

You should definitely consider buying a copy and playing around with some of the drinks. It’s a steal on Amazon – just a little over $3!

#4 Pimm’s Cup

We probably made more of these than any other concoction at home- it was our unofficial drink of the summer. In a few short months, we went through a few cases (yes, cases!) of Pimm’s No. 1, which we purchase at our favorite liquor/wine store: The Wine Chap. Click here for the recipe so you can share in our love.

#3 Fido Wine Class

Can you tell that I enjoyed this class? It made my Top 10 Food list for 2009 and now, the Top 5 Drink. I’ll alert you when it’s being offered again so you can see for yourself what all the fuss is about!

#2 Nashville Lifestyles’ Bartender Bash

Back in August I had the pleasure of judging Nashville Lifestyles’ 4th annual Bartender Bash. In previous years, my participation level was only that of an attendee, so I would choose a few of the cocktails to sip as I spent most of the evening socializing. This time all my focus was on tasting 24 creative cocktails since I was at the judges table! No doubt that Nashville has some talented mixologists, and they’re competing at this bash.

This is, in my opinion, the best bang for your buck when it comes to drinking events in Music City. Highly, highly recommend you attend the 5th annual in 2010!

#1 The Patterson House

It should come as no surprise to you that The Patterson House is at the top of my list for Drinks of 2009. The menu is so well thought out- seasonal, fresh, innovative, creative…oh, just read for yourself a few of my thoughts on it here, here, or here.

~Everything you need to Eat, Drink & Be Merry in 2010~

Happy New Year!